Grading Systems

Starting AY 2015-2016

GRADING SYSTEM FOR BACCALAUREATE PROGRAMS - EFFECTIVE AY 2015-2016 for incoming 1st year and continuing students

The school follows the averaging system of grading. For every grading period, grading marks are given in percentage with 40% as the lowest, 100% as the highest, and 75% passing marks in all courses. Other than numerical figures, the final grades of a student may reflect the following: NA, DRP, OD. 

NA - Not Attending: The student who is officially enrolled but failed to attend his/ her class since the first day of classes is given an NA mark. 

DRP - Dropped: Reasons may be

a. The student decided to drop the course during the changing/ dropping/ adding period but failed to finish the process 

b. The student exceeded the allowable number of absences as indicated in the Article IV, Section 1, 1.1 

c. The student discontinued attending his/ her course. 

OD - Officially Dropped: The student goes through the process in the Procedure Manual (REG-PO-002). 

PAS - Passed

F - Failed

Previous Grading System


The grading system for Baccalaureate Programs before AY 2015-2016 follows a base-50 rating.

Grade Scale Numerical Scale Grade Description Letter Grades

1.00-1.24 96.00-100.00 Excellent A+

1.25-1.49 94.00-95.99 Superior A

1.50-1.74 91.00-93.99 Very Good A-

1.75-1.99 89.00-90.99 Good B+

2.00-2.24 86.00-88.99 Very Satisfactory B

2.25-2.49 83.00-85.99 High Average B-

2.50-2.74 80.00-82.99 Average C+

2.75-2.99 77.00-79.99 Fair C

3.00-3.99 75.00-76.99 Pass C-

4.00-4.99 70.00-74.99 Conditional D

5.00 0.00-69.99 Failing F

Non-numeric Grades

DRP - Dropped

OD - Officially Dropped

NA - Not Attending

COM - Completed

PAS - Passed